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2018年07月09日 浏览量: 246 来源: 旅游学院 作者: 发布: 旅游学院





孟芳博士是美国南卡罗莱纳大学酒店、餐饮及旅游管理系副教授(终身教职),博士生导师,及南卡罗莱纳州旅游与经济发展研究中心研究员。孟博士的研究集中在旅游目的地营销与管理,旅游者行为及体验,以及国际旅游等方面,目前为止研究项目已经获得业界超过80万美元的经费支持。孟博士已发表国际学术期刊、著作章节和会议论文一百多篇。她的论文发表在业内公认的顶级旅游、酒店和商业管理期刊上。孟芳博士目前任Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science的副主编,Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Analysis, Journal of Vacation MarketingJournal of China Tourism Research等学术期刊的编委,并任另外逾15家学术期刊的审稿人。孟博士的研究成果得到学术界广泛认可,曾获得国际酒店、餐饮、学术教育理事会(I-CHRIE)和国际旅行和旅游研究协会(TTRA)最佳论文奖。孟芳博士为世界旅游城市联合会专家委员会委员,和国际旅游协会如TTRAIACTS,和APTA成员/会士,并在众多国际学术/业界会议中发表了许多学术报告。


Dr. Fang Meng is an Associate Professor (tenured) in the School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management, and a Research Associate in the SmartState Center of Economic Excellence in Tourism and Economic Development at the University of South Carolina, USA. Dr. Meng’s research mainly focuses on tourism destination marketing and management, tourist behavior/experience, and international tourism. To date, she has been awarded over $800,000 external and internal research funding. She is the author and co-author of more than 100 scientific publications including journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings. Her research work has been published in top-tier tourism, hospitality, and business journals such as the Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, and Tourism Analysis. Dr. Meng is the Associate Editor of Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science, and serves on the editorial boards of Journal of Travel Research, Tourism Analysis, Journal of Vacation Marketing and Journal of China Tourism Research, and is a reviewer for over 15 academic journals. Dr. Meng has received the Best Paper Award in multiple international academic conferences such as International Council of Hospitality, Restaurant, and Institutional Education (I-CHRIE) and Travel and Tourism Research Association (TTRA). Dr. Meng serves as an Expert Committee member for the World Tourism Cities Federation (WTCF), and is a member/fellow in major professional tourism associations such as TTRA, IACTS, and APTA, as well as a frequent speaker in national and international academic/industry conferences.

Dr. Meng earned her Ph.D. degree in Hospitality and Tourism Management from Virginia Tech University, and her Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees from Beijing International Studies University. Prior to joining the University of South Carolina, she held an Assistant Professor position at the Ohio University, and was an instructor/lecturer at the Beijing International Studies University. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Meng had various consulting and managerial/training experience in the hospitality and tourism industry.